Blast Furnace
In the blast furnace there are more monolithic refractory products in continuous operation than at any other stage in the steel production process - excluding new linings and interim repairs. Taphole mixes, runner mixes, assembly parts or preshapes (for example skimmer, tipping trough) are heavily-used refractory products in the production of pig steel.
Pig iron is usually transported to the steel mill in special containers (torpedo ladle, pig iron ladle), which can vary considerably from plant to plant. Therefore, individual, creative refractory solutions are required - from highly adhesive mortars to insulation and maintenance mixes.
WEERULIN supplies the whole range of monolithic refractory products for the blast furnace including: shaft maintenance, mux masses, light heat and erosion proof gunning mixes or tapping hole masses, offered through cooperation with world-leading technology partners.
WEERULIN's monolithic refractories for the blast furnace cover:
- gunning mixes
- tap hole mixes
- castables
- mortar
- preshapes